I am pretty sure my back yard is cursed - first the fence fell over in a wind storm, and we ended up replacing all 3 sides. Then the n
eighbour's tree fell smack into our yard, narrowly missing our then-2-year-old and smashing down the back fence. This past weekend, our glass patio table, which we have had for years, spontaneously combusted. As in, I was standing just inside the screen door when I heard SMASH (tinkle tinkle tinkle) and looked out to see this:
Nothing fell on it, there was no big wind, the cars were not too heavy, nothing. Thank heavens the boys had finished playing with their cars and had gone inside! It was quite a mess, and took two of us to shopvac up over a few days (it was raining a lot!). But that makes three backyard catastrophes, and I am hoping now the catastrophe gremlins will take off for good.
We now have to get a new table, which is not as easy as it sounds, as most patio tables are sold in sets and our chairs are fine (one may be a bit splattered with spray paint from one of my DIY projects, but whatever...) We wanted to get a table slightly bigger than the one we had, which was great for the four of us, but pretty crowded when we had visitors - and we like our visitors! Having done the online search-and-compare, I think it will be this one from Home Depot:
Not terribly exciting, but pretty much the only thing I could find, and it fits in our non-existent budget (It's $65). It does not fit, however on our existing (teeny tiny) patio. So we have reluctantly begun to talk about how to make it bigger - a full wooden deck? Just continue with the interlock we have and extend it? Take it out and put in bigger tiles? No decisions yet. You can see how it looks below.
I am sad to remove any grass but we do have a lot more at the back now that the tree is gone and we get some light.
The other thing is that the house next to us (that shares the driveway) is being fully gutted and renovated, and they are building a back deck and repaving the whole driveway. So with the advent of new neighbours (our last neighbour was an elderly woman who rarely came out back), we are thinking about putting in a privacy screen. And it just so happens that the contractor is going to be digging posts for a privacy screen on the other side and offered to do some for us if we want - and he is going to repave the whole thing. So idle discussions about a fence some day have ramped up pretty quickly!

I know, I know, those are some pretty fancy photoshop skills, eh? This is more or less what we agreed on for the position of the fence and the size of the patio (still not sure what it will be made of). I had been tempted to push it over to include what used to be our back porch, but this keeps all of the pavement area for the kids and their various plastic monstrosities, and makes it possible to tuck them up against the fence out of sight from the street.
Did I mention the plastic monstrosities? Yikes. And every single one of them acquired on the side of the road. You can see the neighbours fence on the one side, so having one on the other will make it feel much more secluded.
But the BIG questions is: What kind of fence?
Below are some options I like, although they don't match the rest of our fencing - do you think that matters? Which do you like?
Of course there is the regular lattice option as well, which would probably be the cheapest and easiest, but I want to take advantage of an opportunity for a little style! What do you think? Any advice or opinions?