There it is, our lovely designer bathroom. Yeah, right. You know, when we first bought this house I was so excited because this bathroom was so much bigger than our last house - now I realize that one foot wider does not an enormous difference make. :) The bathroom is last on our list for renovations, and we certainly don't have the cash to do it now. So I am fancying a 'facelift.' After a bottle of wine and some sweet-talkin', I got the hubser on board.

The one thing we have done is to put up a shower curtain, there was nothing there when we moved in. Finding a curtain rod that could cover the side and the end of the tub was no small feat, and in the end we had to custom order one. What the photos here don't show is that it is all the original white tile with a black and white border at the top inside - you can see the black tile around the bottom of the tub. The floor is nasty linoleum tile - stained and yellowing. The sink and bath are both original, and the sink is a pain the the patootie because it has separate hot and cold taps (and the hot tap leaks so we actually have to use a shut-off valve underneath if we every want to turn it on). The toilet is also constantly running for some reason, and I shudder to think of the wasted water. We got the shelf for above the toilet on sale somewhere and it wobbles, and the doors don't close because they are missing the magnets. Let's see what else... oh who cares. On to the pretty stuff.

I had lots of fun on
Olioboard the other night, imagining a billion options. First of all, rather than pulling up the floor and opening a can of worms, I am just going to paint it out black. When we are able to do a real reno we can put in pretty tile, but for now I just want to cover up the ugly. For the walls, I thought grey, because I always think grey. I love grey.
The rest of the palette came from the shower curtain, which I thought was really nice (and not too expensive). That, and I also just bought blue/grey towels. The fabrics included are possibilities for a roman blind for the window (that I am hoping to make). And I want to fill that wall beside the window with some nice inexpensive prints and drawings to add some life to the room.
The light has to be spot lights like this because the ceiling light is the only light in the room. Someday... pot lights and sconces. For now... this contraption.
I crawled under the sink yesterday (gross) and measured the opening in the middle where the sink stopper was attached. It looks to be standard width (1 1/4'') and the two taps are 12'' apart so I am going to try to find a nice wideset faucet for the existing sink.
Anyway, details - shmetails. What do you think of the board? Too dark? Not enough colour? Pure perfection? I would love to know your thoughts!