A Book by Its Cover

My mom picked up this book by Iris Murdoch to read the other day and I just loved the cover illustration on this Vintage Classics edition.  The colour on my Instagram shot doesn't really do it justice.  Wouldn't it make a cool poster?  They sadly don't mention the artist, but it would seem that Vintage Classics is known for their modern and contemporary covers for classic English novels.  Here are a few I particularly liked from their site:
I like that they keep to a very specific look for each author.  The Medea one gives me the shivers, knowing the story, and the Kafka ones are perfectly, well, Kafka-esque.  Have you read any of these?  Do you ever judge a book by its cover?


  1. fun! my favorites are the verne covers. my kids would be so interested in listening with a cover like that.

  2. wow...these are such beautiful book covers!

  3. I agree Julia, and I think they would look so great in a kids room. I also like the peter pan one for that!

  4. It is amazing what illustrators can do, and how they can really distill a whole book into a beautiful cover, isn't it?


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