Watch this with the kid
Hooray! I have finally stumbled across something in the internet that I was compelled to share - just like in the old days of this blog. Somehow in the last few months I seem to have gotten all confused about why the heck I was doing this blogging thing, and who I should be writing for, and what I should be writing about, and if it should be tied into an imaginary business I have not yet started or even fully narrowed down... and so I just didn't write anything. That and I have been so, well, not really crazy busy, but just not online. Some days I don't even open the computer (which is bad cause then I don't look at my email or calendar and that's just not proper adult behaviour).
Anyhoo, here's the thing I loved so much I had to share*: This blog The Kid Should See This. This blog is an incredibly diverse compilation of cool, inspiring, and educational videos that were not created specifically for kids, but that make for wonderful and imaginative viewing for kids as well as adults. There is an excellent article on Design for Minikind about how mom Rion started the blog after trying to find an example of jazz scat for her son. They were both thrilled with the 1969 video she found of Ella Fitzgerald doing it like no one else can (holy MACKINAW she is good - it is super hard!), and when her son spent the rest of the week scatting everywhere he went (such an unfortunate homonym...), she knew she had to share it.
The videos are grouped under Science, Technology, Space, Animals, Food, DIY, Art, Food, Music, and Animation, and forget the boys, I could spend my entire day on here. The world is just so damn full of cool and interesting people! If that isn't a great lesson to learn when you're young, I don't know what is.
I especially love the art category, but they are all amazing. I am including a couple here, and had to post the Oliver Jeffers one because I love his books and he's so dreamy...
And considering the amount of hours Will and I have logged watching films on space and the planets, and my obsession with Chris Hadfield, I thought I would add these as well:
Seen anything cool online lately? ;p
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